This privacy statement is applicable to Layamritam Application and website owned by Amrita Enterprises Private Limited.
"Layamritam" is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its online users' Personal information (as defined below). Please read the following privacy policy ( the “Privacy Policy”) to understand the rules and procedures followed by "Layamritam" in handling Personal Information provided to us over the internet. If you have further questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at Any defined terms used herein but not defined herein are defined in our Terms of Use
By accepting the terms and conditions and Subscribing to Layamritam Application / website, we collect the contact following Personal details of each subscriber; for the efficient functioning and use of the Mobile Application and Website
We value your Privacy and always attempt to be sensitive to your privacy on the Internet. Whenever possible, Layamritam Application and website will attempt to treat the information about you it receives on the Internet with utmost care and deemed reasonableness.
Layamritam Application and website uses information provided by you (if any) to measure the use of Layamritam Application and website site and to improve the content of our Application and Website. The personal information we collect is used only by us to respond to your enquiry, to inform about your subscription details and to process and comply with obligations under a contract with you such as the obligations under the terms of use while subscribing and using Layamritam services by you and to verify information before commencement of a new contract with you. We don't give the personnel data of subscribers to any third party. We only use clients Personal Information to respond to and fulfill requests services including sending information about the activities of "Mata Amritanandamayi Math" activities and its affiliates.
The following personal data will always be publicly available on the "Layamritam" Application /website Service:
We do not use cookies instead we track the users through an AUTH token which the app adds to every communication it makes to the Server. The app obtains this AUTH token from the server at the time of successful login.
For more information and details about the privacy policy, mail to or